Login and Registration form in Android

Add a firstactivity

Now that you know how to add an activity. Add another named FirstActivity. The whole purpose of this activity is to show how to redirect to a different activity after the login is done, later in the example. Add a text if you want to show that this is the first activity or change the color of the background.

Add the missing methods isemail and isempty to the login form

Copy the code from the registration form (MainActivity.java) and put it into LoginActivity.java:

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Now you can run the code and check it out.

Completing the login form in Android for a production version of the app requires a few more things:

Code for login form (loginactivity.java)

In LoginActivity.java we add a few variables, just below class definition:

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We link all the variables in the setupUI method that we call in the onCreate method. This time we add two methods that help us prepare the login form. They are setupUI and setupListeners, with this example we show how you can organize your code (set up all the listeners in one method and link variables in the other). Let’s start and add the calls for those methods in the onCreate method.

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As you can see, methods are now in red, because they do not exist yet, but when we add the code, they become black.

Let’s add the first method setupUI. In this method, we connect variables with elements in activity_login.xml

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Now let’s add listeners with the setupListeners method.

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How to check if the email is valid in android? (java)

Checking email is harder because we usually have to check more conditions. However, we are lucky, because Android offers us an email checker right from the box with the Patterns class.

17. Let’s write a method that checks if the value of EditText is an email named isEmail. Our method takes EditText as a parameter and returns a boolean. Furthermore, we need to read a string written in our EditText. We use this value to check if it is a valid email.

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Make a registration form in android

We make a simple layout to display all the components we need for registration. We explain how to make the layout in the Layout Editor. Read our blog post about Android Studio Layout Editor if you want to learn more about Android Layout Editor.

1. First, we create a new project and add an empty activity.

2. We use ConstraintLayout for this sample, check for all the constraints after you finish, a picture of our layout with constraints is below (after the last step).

3. Add the first EditText for the first name.

4. Add EditText for the last name.

5. Add EditText for postal address.

6. Add EditText for email.

7.Add a Button for registration.

8. Your final layout should now look something like this:Registration form Final layout

Practice makes perfect

Therefore, for further practice and to enhance your knowledge about the registration form in Android, you could:

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Небольшая подготовка

Для начала — у вас должны быть установлены Google Play Services в SDK. После их установки можно будет импортировать все необходимые библиотеки. Статья пишется с расчетом на Android Studio — он сам подсказывает, что необходимо импортировать.

У вас должно быть создано активити с кнопкой.

Проверяем токен на сервере. (php)

Хочу обратить внимание, полученный нами токен имеет тип Online. И действует он лишь 10 минут. Для получения offline токена (чтобы дольше работать с ним с сервера) обратитесь к этой инструкции

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Making a login and a registration form is just one of the skills you need to know as an Android developer; check our skills checklist for Android developers. If you have any questions or need more explanation, let us know in the comments below.

This is it, have fun coding with CodeBrainer.


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