GitHub – infosiftr/wordpress-simple-ldap-authentication: This plugin allows WordPress to authenticate users against an LDAP server. See original at


Simple LDAP Login adds an authentication filter to WordPress that authentication requests must pass. In doing so, it makes several decisions.


Version 1.6.0

Version 1.5.5

Version 1.5.4

Version 1.5.3

Version 1.5.2

Version 1.5.1

  • Fixed a bug where the domain controllers are passed as a string.

Version 1.5


  • I broke it. Sorry guys! 🙁
  • Downgraded adLDAP as some referenced functions no longer exist.


  • Updated adLDAP to version 4.x
  • Fixed error in OpenLDAP group membership check
  • As always TEST this first. Don’t assume it works…I don’t have a testing environment to ensure it will work correctly.


  • Fixes nickname bug accidentally put back in in last version. (My bad!)


Version – Patches submitted by Jonas Genannt and Ilya Kozlov


  • Fix for e-mail exists issue with WP 3.0 for LDAP installations that don’t populate the e-mail address attribute.
  • Shows actual error message from WordPress upon failure.

Version 1.4





  • Never officially released.
  • Contained code cleanup and some attempted fixes.

Version 1.3 Beta


Version 1.2

Version 1.1

Version 1.0


Having a single login for every service is a must in large organizations. This plugin allows you to integrate WordPress with LDAP quickly and easily. Like, really really easy.


  1. Use the WordPress plugin directory to install the plugin or upload the directory simple-ldap-login to the /wp-content/plugins/ directory.
  2. Activate the plugin through the ‘Plugins’ menu in WordPress
  3. Update the settings to those that best match your environment by going to Settings -> Simple LDAP Login
  4. If you don’t get the settings right the first time, don’t fret! Just use your WordPress credentials. They should always work
  5. Once you have the settings correct, you can toggle LDAP Exclusive mode (if you like).
  6. To make your life easier, consider using two different browsers (e.g., Chrome and Firefox) to do testing. Change settings in one. Test in the other. This will prevent any chance of being locked out.

It’s still not working, what other things can i try?

If you are confident your settings are correct and it still does not work, it may be time to check for port or firewall issues. If your LDAP server is running on a non-standard port or an obsolete version of the LDAP protocol you are going to have issues.

Port 389 is the port this plugin, and nearly every other LDAP enabled software expects. They are also expecting protocol version 3. If you are using an old version of LDAP or running a non-standard port you may need to modify the code that the plugin runs or update your LDAP installation.

Unfortunately I can’t be relied upon to assist with these types of requests. I chose not to support these scenarios because they are infrequent and because they confuse everyone else.

Other than wordpress, what does my system require?

Your install of PHP must be configured/compiled with LDAP support.

Step by step guide to wordpress ldap sync using miniorange directory sync add-on for wordpress

Click on Directory Sync in the left hand panel it will navigate you to the default LDAP to WordPress Sync tab under Configure Sync Options.

GitHub - infosiftr/wordpress-simple-ldap-authentication: This plugin allows WordPress to authenticate users against an LDAP server.  See original atTest LDAP to WP Sync: The users present in LDAP Search Base will be Synced from LDAP to WordPress and the existing users will be updated.

Подключение к wordpress с авторизацией через ldap от notes domino

GitHub - infosiftr/wordpress-simple-ldap-authentication: This plugin allows WordPress to authenticate users against an LDAP server.  See original at

Понадобилось мне настроить маленький вордпрессик внутри предприятия (коллеги, привет!) с авторизацией для сотрудников. Технически сайт расположен во внутренней сети и к нему нет доступа извне, но это к делу не относится. Важно то, что регистрироваться не надо – достаточно залогиниться через существующий аккаунт Lotus Notes.

Первое, что надо сделать для такой авторизации, это установить поддержку на сервере

apt-get install php5-ldap
/etc/inin.d/apache2 restart

Во вторых, заходим в админку своего WordPress -> Плагины -> Добавить новый -> Поиск «Simple LDAP Authentication» -> Установить.

GitHub - infosiftr/wordpress-simple-ldap-authentication: This plugin allows WordPress to authenticate users against an LDAP server.  See original at
Когда плагин установится и активизируется, надо настроить всё как надо. У меня настройки такие:
GitHub - infosiftr/wordpress-simple-ldap-authentication: This plugin allows WordPress to authenticate users against an LDAP server.  See original at

Так как система должна под каждого залогинившегося создавать профиль wordpress, а они ни собаку внутри имени, ни пробел не хотят, то я предложил регистрироваться по той части e-mail-а, которая стоит до собаки. И поисковая строка для LDAP выглядит у меня вот так: (&(objectclass=dominoPerson)(
Для балования с поисковой строкой я пользовал консольный ldap клиент.

Во избежание вопросов с правами, я сначала в основных настройках поставил что бы все свежезарегистрировавшиеся были администраторами, а после своего первого логина попросил что бы они были только подписчиками. А аваторки у меня все будут на граватор заливать.


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