Bootstrap 4 Stacked Login Form Template
This is a very basic vertical form template for almost any kind of website login page. It’s easy to modify and can be used for more than log-in forms, such as contact forms and password-change forms, etc.
Mockplus – Contact Us Form Design
Mockplus is a rapid prototyping tool. The contact page is quite simple but useful with 3 input fields and a large textbox.
. Bootstrap Dual Design Registration Form
Designer: Kshiti06
Select Employee or Hirer to reach different forms. The signup form and the login form are displayed on the same screen. The asymmetrical layout design creates a balance between the two forms. This form is also a great website layout design example.
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. Medium – Upgrade Pay Form
This is a detailed paycheck form.
Above are the 50 best free Bootstrap form templates and examples. If you find something you like, apply it to your next project!
. Login/Registration Form Transition
Designer: Nikolay Talanov
Highlight to emphasize
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. Material Login Form
Designer: Andy Tran
Material design has been a widely-adopted principle in web design. Andy used it here in this form and, as you see, it is really great with lovely interactive features. Hover your mouse on the input field or submit button and they will turn the red. The red icon with a pen is actually a switch button to change to the registration form.
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. Interactive Sign Up Form
Designer: Riccardo Pasianotto
This signup form has 3 layers to lead you through a registration process.
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. Subscription Cart
Designer: Msurguy
This is a typical subscription cart form for products purchasing.
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. Subscription Form
Designer: Jeya Karthika
A basic subscription form with two input fields and a submit button.
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. Subscription Animation
Designer: Valery Alikin
This is a simplest but interesting form. It does require an email address.
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. Please Confirm Subscription
Designer: Really Good Email
This form has a nice header which makes your page stand out. In addition, you can use this as a landing page template.
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. Contact Form
Designer: Danlouis9701
This contact form based on Bootstrap can be used on any website. It has a special text input field to allow for open-ended comment.
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. Bootstrap Contact Form
Designer: Kshiti06
This form uses yellow and white to create a nice contrast. It looks more appealing than all-white contact forms.
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Bootstrap 4 Inline Login Form Template
An inline form has unique features. True to its name, all of its elements are inline, left-aligned, and the labels positioned alongside. One thing you should pay attention to is that inline forms should only be used with forms within viewports that are at least 768px wide.
This is how you do it:
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. Bootstrap Contact Form
Designer: Kshiti06
It uses a gradient blue color as the background, which is a perfect complement to an all-white contact form. It uses placeholders to inform you of what you should input.
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. Contact Form – One page
Designer: Katya
It has a custom styled button with a nice icon. In addition, the rounded form spaces make it display perfectly on any web or mobile screen. The typography on the header is very powerful.
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. Contact Us Form with Validation
Designer: Mirchu
This is an all-white contact form with a custom-styled button with a solid green color. Bootstrap form validation is used in this form.
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. Bootstrap 3 Contact Form with Validation
Designer: Jay
- Built with Bootstrap 3
- Field validation with Bootstrap validator
This is a powerful contact form with multiple items, including input fields, checkboxes, radio buttons and a submit button.
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. Elegant Contact Form
Designer: Mark Murray
This form features:
- Round edges
- Large textboxes
- Custom styled submit button
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. Clean Contact Form
Designer: Nick haskell
This form features:
- A fancy, concise, and delightful header
- Custom styled submit button
- The image and text encourages visitors to get in touch with you.
- Responsive form design
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. Contact Form
Designer: Stefan Rusu
Form features:
- Interactive layout
- Full-page contact form
- Simple and useful
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. Quick Minimal Contact Form
Designer: Erlen
Form features:
- Clean color scheme
- Custom styled submit button
- Placeholder to inform what you should input
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. Contact Form Template
Designer: Chris Holder
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. Responsive Contact Form with Map
Designer: Lentie Ward
Form features:
- Map background to provide an accurate reference of where you are
- Asymmetrical layout
- Excellent color scheme
- Large textboxes
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Slack – Simple iSgnup Form with Nice Pictures
The entire page is aesthetically pleasing. You just need to provide your email address.
. Transparent Contact Form
Designer: Luis M Ruiz
Form features:
- Large textboxes
- Fully responsive contact form design
- Support customization
- Confiscated design
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If you need more resources, there are 12 Best Free Html5 Contact Form & Contact Us Page Templates you shouldn’t miss.
. Responsive Shopping Car
Designer: Asanti82
Form features:
- Functional form design
- Fully responsive
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. Daily UI #007 | Settings
Designer: Julie Park
Form features:
- Adaptable to any web-page sidebar
- Nice color scheme
- Interactive elements
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. Step-by-Step Form Interaction
Designer: Bhakti Al Akbar
Form features:
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. Simple Payment Form Using Bootstrap
Designer: llgruff
Form features:
- Fancy header with available cards
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. Animated feedback form
Designer: Caspian Seagull
Form features:
- Consistent animation
- Interactive layout
- Large textboxes
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. Sliding labels for Bootstrap forms (jQuery)
Designer: Alessandro Falchi
Form features:
- Sliding label effect
- Interactive layout
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. Login Form – Modal
Designer: Andy Tran
Form features:
- Material inspired login form
- 2 panels: log in panel and registration panel
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. Multi-Step Form with Progress Bar Using jQuery and CSS3
Designer: Eric
Form features:
- Smaller logic sections
- Multiple-step form with a cool progress bar
- Suitable for registration, checkout, profile fillups and 2-factor authentication logins
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. Sign-Up/Login Form
Designer: Eric
Form features:
- Easy to switch from sign up to log in
- Solid color buttons
- Four input areas
- Tabs and floating form labels
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Bootstrap Horizontal Login Form Template
A horizontal form means that the labels are aligned next to the input field (horizontal) on large and medium screens. On small screens (767px and below), it will transform to a vertical form (labels are placed on top of each input). You can use Bootstrap’s predefined grid classes to align labels and groups of form controls in a horizontal layout.
The following are the codes:
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. Basic Hotel Booking Form
Designer: Andi Dysart
Form features:
- All-white form
- Interactive layout
- Full-page form design
- Large textbox
Menu Form Template to Login
You can put a form within a dropdown menu, or make it into a dropdown menu, and use margin or padding utilities to give it the negative space you need.
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Thredup- Signup Form With Multiple Choices
This form is conveniently connected to your Amazon account.
I like its login form a great deal. It has a cute hand waving at you, saying hello to you. The interactive design really invokes feelings.
Custom Login, Registration & Forgot Password Form Template
This is a basic Bootstrap form that is suitable for login, sign up and reset password pages. It has a cute interactive round icon that serves as the submit button.
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Healthline – Subscription Form with CheckBox Settings
You are free to choose what content you would like to subscribe to with checkbox settings.
Sign Up Forms – Bootstrap 3 Registration Form with Validation
Designer: Juffrey Rodriguez
This is a long horizontal registration form with several input fields. There is a drop-down menu on the third line “Department/Office”. In addition, the designer has added a small icon on each line to clarify the required input.
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Login & Signup Forms in Panel
Designer: Calvinko
Mint – Signin Form
One account with, everything in it. This form is really useful.
Check it out
Designer: Dipendra
This form is Google-friendly. You can sign up quickly with your Google account.
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Dropbox – Purchase Dropbox Business Form
A powerful purchasing form worthy of consideration. This is a relatively long-form, so you will learn Long Web Form Design Practices and Principles here too.
Aug 29, 2022
- Verified by W3C
- Bootstrap 4 Validation Form
Column sizing
As shown in the previous examples, our grid system allows you to place any number of
.cols within a .row. They’ll split the available width equally
between them. You may also pick a subset of your columns to take up more or less space,
while the remaining .cols equally split the rest, with specific column classes
like .col-sm-7.
Contribution are always welcome and recommended! Here is how:
- Bootstrap 4.1.3
- Bootstrap 4 Validation
- Verified by W3C
- jQuery 1.12.4
- 4 Pages included (Login, Register, Forgot Password, Reset Password)
- Clean design
- Show/hide password
- Easy to use
- Cross-browser compatibility (Chrome, Firefox, Opera, IE11, Safari)
- Fully responsive
- and more …
MIT License
Part 1: 40 best free bootstrap form templates in 2022
Bootstrap 4 has its default style that can apply to most form controls, making it very useful. Each of these Bootstrap 4 form templates are login forms and each of them has two input fields, one checkbox, and a submit button.
Registration form template with address
The example below contains an extended space dedicated to
address forms
and a
for accepting “Terms and Conditions”.
Registration form with radio buttons
This example utilizes the
radio button
component for the selection of gender.
Registration modal
This example is a simple registration popup. Check out our
documentation, to learn how to show the modal, customize modal size and styles.
.gradient-custom-3 {
/* fallback for old browsers */
background: #84fab0;
/* Chrome 10-25, Safari 5.1-6 */
background: -webkit-linear-gradient(to right, rgba(132, 250, 176, 0.5), rgba(143, 211, 244, 0.5));
/* W3C, IE 10 / Edge, Firefox 16 , Chrome 26 , Opera 12 , Safari 7 */
background: linear-gradient(to right, rgba(132, 250, 176, 0.5), rgba(143, 211, 244, 0.5))
.gradient-custom-4 {
/* fallback for old browsers */
background: #84fab0;
/* Chrome 10-25, Safari 5.1-6 */
background: -webkit-linear-gradient(to right, rgba(132, 250, 176, 1), rgba(143, 211, 244, 1));
/* W3C, IE 10 / Edge, Firefox 16 , Chrome 26 , Opera 12 , Safari 7 */
background: linear-gradient(to right, rgba(132, 250, 176, 1), rgba(143, 211, 244, 1))
Related resources
If you want to learn more about using forms, check out Forms
Report some bugs
Find a Bug? Please, create an issue and we’ll fix it together for a better template.
Модальное окно bootstrap: разработка формы входа, регистрации и восстановления пароля
Создавать и настраивать модальное окно с помощью Bootstrap, довольно просто. Модальные окна всплывают и открываются на той же странице без редиректа.
В этой статье мы рассмотрим создание модального окна с валидацией. Для этого я использовал последнюю версию Bootstrap (V 3.3.7). Также вы можете использовать CDN.
Ниже приведен код HTML страницы, в которой подключаются необходимые файлы CSS и JS:
В Bootstrap класс modal-content содержит div-блоки modal-header, modal-body и modal-footer . Это структура модального окна.
В Bootstrap класс modal-content содержит div-блоки modal-header, modal-body и modal-footer . Это структура модального окна.
Этот код будет размещаться чуть выше JavaScript, как показано в структуре страницы. Смотрите пример, приведенный ниже.
Это полная структура страницы, которая требуется для создания модальных окон. Создайте страницу Index.html и добавьте в нее приведенный ниже код.
Теперь создадим модальные формы входа, регистрации и восстановления пароля. Единственное модальное окно, которое я использовал в примере, с тремя <div class=”modal-content”>. По умолчанию оно будет формой входа в систему. Такие же блоки мы создаем для других функций, все они будут иметь разные идентификаторы. Смотрите пример, приведенный ниже.
Содержимое модального окна для авторизации будет использоваться по умолчанию. Остальные два блока скрыты и их можно будет отобразить при нажатии на конкретные ссылки, указанные во всех футерах.
Составим полный модуль модального окна, который включает в себя блоки div для модальных окон входа в систему, регистрации и восстановления пароля.
Веб-форма включает в себя одно модальное окно с тремя модальными блоками. Все футеры содержат отдельные ссылки, которые запускают различные модальные блоки [login/signup/forgot password]. То есть футер login содержит ссылки на signup и forgot password; футер signup содержит ссылки на login и forgot password; футер forgot password содержит ссылки на login и signup.
Рассмотрим код jQuery. В нем используются методы FadeOut и FadeIn, которые срабатывают при клике по ссылкам футера. После чего формы меняются местами.
Для валидации форм используется плагин Parsley.JS Form Validation.
Чтобы использовать валидацию формы с помощью Parsley, добавьте файл parsley.min.js. А для запуска валидации добавьте еще одну строку кода jQuery.
Это весь код jQuery.
Ниже приводится CSS-код для всех модальных форм и Parsley.
Скачать эту модальную форму
Готово! Вот и все. Надеюсь, вам понравилось.
Пожалуйста, оставьте ваши мнения по текущей теме статьи. Мы очень благодарим вас за ваши комментарии, отклики, подписки, дизлайки, лайки!
Шаг 1. html
Для начала вам необходимо подключить библиотеки к вашему документу, вставьте следующий код в шапке страницы где будет находиться форма авторизации:
Затем мы создаем саму разметку, которая будет содержать в себе контейнер с элементами формы авторизации:
Также не забывайте указать правильный путь к скриптам, кроме этого вы можете легко добавить новые поля в форму авторизации.
Шаг 2. css
Для начала нам необходимо стилизировать наш контейнер, где будут располагаться элементы формы авторизации:
Далее придаем немного красоты для иконок и кнопок в форме:
Теперь добавляем социальные иконки и анимацию к ним:
Надеемся данная форма станет вам полезной. Большую часть работы выполняет bootstrap, интеграция в систему не должна вызвать у вас проблем.